17 September 2006

They're French, that's why

Short shorts and a sleeveless top are not allowed, no matter the weather, by the uniform regulations of the US military. (Given the 115 degrees that Iraq gets to in the summertime, maybe they should.) But, joke all you want, the French Foreign Legion can kick your ass, or that of any Islamofascist, any day of the week while wearing them.

If this is a regular French Army soldier, however, that white thing in his hand is an Army-issue surrender flag...


  1. Anonymous18.10.06

    LOL! Another American making homophobic and racist jokes, chucks what a surprise.

    BTW, that thing in his hand is a book - no wonder you failed to identify it.

  2. Anonymous (who's French himself, by the sound of it) seems a little peeved. (Which is something the French do well.) But, rereading my post, I fail to see any homophobia or racism in my comments on the soldier in question. If anything, I am complimentary to at least a portion of the French Army...
    As for my choice of the word "Islamofascist", that's an irreligious construct, without reference to race.
    I guess Anonymous was projecting some of his own bullshit onto me... (BTW, Anonymous, that's "shucks" in English; "chucks" is what an American does when a Frenchman tries to come all high and mighty about Americans.) And I knew it was a book, but there's nothing funny in that...

  3. Actually, 'chucks are what Americans with martial arts training use to, er, instruct certain Frenchmen on the finer points of foreign policy.

    There. Was that unpleasant enough?


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.