07 September 2006

Reuters neutered, again

It appears the ten-year-old "outrage", where Israeli gunships rocketed a clearly-marked Lebanese ambulance (a videotaped incident widely reported in the MSM, including one showing narrated by Brent Sadler on CNN) on 13 April 1996, was probably yet another misinformation campaign by Arab 'reporters' working for Reuters. (This one was shot by Reuters reporter Najla Abu Jahjah; interestingly, her name pops up in photos referenced in the Amnesty International report on "unlawful killings during Operation Grapes of Wrath", a pamphlet published by the Defense Committee of South and West Bekaa, the Jew Watch site, and the Human Rights Watch site.)

No internationally respected organization like Amnesty or Human Rights Watch would ever knowingly (I hope) base their reports on bogus propaganda photos or video. But it sure looks like they did. (The likes of Jew Watch and the DCSWB would do so happily.) It may require a full blogosphere investigation to disprove every Reuters-supplied video and photo shot since, say, 1945, but it'd be fun to watch...

The 1996 video has been dissected brilliantly here, but even an untrained eye has to start to see the similarities between this and the recent bogus ambulance and Q'ana videos, and the Photoshop'd images that even Reuters admitted were faked.

How anyone can take anything released by Reuters seriously after all this amazes me, but there are those who Believe, and won't be shaken from their beliefs by anything as ridiculous as reality...

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