19 September 2006

Overheard in Turtle Bay

At the UN today, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reconsidered his earlier decision and actually had lunch with President Bush. This is a portion of their attempt at casual conversation, as reported by the US translator:

Ahmadinejad: "Mr. President, while there are many other matters upon which we disagree, I must admit that I am a fan of your movies and television of the science fiction."
Bush: "Really? I thought your religion forbade images of humans."
Ahmadinejad: "As many of the characters are not humans, the mullahs have allowed it."
Bush: "Which ones do you like in particular?"
Ahmadinejad: "Most especially your Star Trek. It is believed by many in my country that the woman who plays Counselor Troi is Iranian."
Bush: "I'll have to check." (Whispered aside with aide.) "No, I'm told her parents are Greek."
Ahmadinejad: "Well, then, a Muslim family, surely." (Bush, his mouth full, merely shrugged.) Which, Mr. President, brings up a question which has puzzled me for quite some time."
Bush: "What's that?"
Ahmadinejad: "In spite of there being so many Muslims alive on Earth today, in all the science fiction movies and television shows I have seen there are no Muslim characters portrayed. Why is this?"
Bush: "Because it's, uh, the future?"

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