21 September 2006

Now those guys got balls

It's the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team, doing their trademark haka (a Maori war chant) before the game. (Cool references to the national rugby logo, a silver fern, along with the team name, too: "Ponga ra! Silver fern! Kapa o Pango, aue hi! All Blacks! Ponga ra! Silver fern! Kapa o Pango, aue hi, ha! All Blacks!")

Click here to hear just how big

Nice to see a country where the oppressed native people (the Maori) get to be the poster children for an aggressive game that so perfectly fits their own tribal personality. Imagine if the NFL had a team out of the Dakotas called, conveniently enough, the Dakotas, with a big eagle-feather headdress on the quarterback (who'd have to be a Lakota Sioux, however) and some serious drums (and some half-naked Indian maidens, of course, this is the NFL after all) on the sidelines...

1 comment:

  1. These guys are great! What an antidote to PC sports.


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