20 September 2006

I see you out there

That little Geo Visitors button (in the sidebar under my hit counter) allows me to see where the last 24 hours worth of my readers (or their ISPs, at least) reside. The image above, taken but moments ago, shows a pretty good cross-section of the planet is perusing, if only for a moment, these words.
So how come, you gutless bastards, you're reading my stuff but you're not leaving any comments?
It's an easy click away, and provides some interesting and valuable counterweight to my rants. Take a minute. Piss down my leg and tell me it's raining. I don't care.

Well, actually, I do care. But almost any response is a good one...

(I've just learned that what I'm doing is properly referred to as a bleg, a portmanteau of "blog" and "beg".)

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