21 September 2006

The Devil? He better hope not

Hugo Chavez, the über-loopy president of Venezuela, thumped the podium at the United Nations with all the vigor of the dearly-departed Nikita Khruschev, giving a speech whose wacky vitriol would have shocked even the bombastic Soviet leader.
He called George Bush the Devil, stating that the podium "smells of sulphur today".

(Great line; too bad he's not a standup comedian. Oh, that's right, he is a standup comedian, one who gets ten minutes on the world stage at the United Nations.)
He also pitched for the UN to give Venezuela a seat on the Security Council. It's only for two years, and they don't get a veto, unlike the Big Boys who have the permanent seats (China, Russia, Britain, France and the US), but it would give them an irritant vote on upcoming UN resolutions. Given the situation in the Middle East, there are liable to be several of them in the near future.

He better hope he's wrong about Bush.
The Devil takes no prisoners.
But Chavez accused the US of plotting to overthrow him, saying that the UN is helpless to combat the threat posed by US power, and there he may be right...

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