17 September 2006

Ay-uh, as they say Down East

From my embedded reporter in New Orleans:

I just got the shock of my life. A distant (very very distant) cousin of mine in Maine is blogging: The Humble Farmer
He's a hoot, but I find myself a little disappointed in what has become of the rock-granite right-wingers of Maine. They are all becoming liberal. I guess this could be because they now collect Social Security, but I also suspect something more sinister is afoot: liberal academia is retiring and moving to the country.
When I used to visit St. George as a child, everyone was a hard working blue-collar kind of person, living in the extreme weather conditions that the coast of Maine can subject you to. Living off the land as lobstermen, clam diggers, and working in quarries or for the highway department in the summer. My aunt and uncle didn't even have indoor plumbing.
Now that liberal academia has moved there, my great aunt's farmhouse is an art studio and my great-great-grandfather's sea captain's house is a historical monument. When I went there last year and bought some lobsters, this little family-owned lobster pound was overrun by people discussing theater and art...

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