26 August 2006

Your cheating heart

According to a survey among my heterosexual male friends (nearly all of whom are in relationships, and most are married), the answer to the question how long after getting up from a moment of great sex with your dearly beloved would you be willing to have sex with (insert your Angelina Jolie equivalent here)? displayed a broad range:

"Never" (from a committed husband) to "minus sixty minutes" (from someone who thereby hoped Angelina would have a three-some with he and his dearly beloved, as if).

The majority seemed to cluster in the "34 seconds" (overly cocky) to "an hour" (more realistic) range.

Responses from women (based on a George Clooney equivalent), when they would give one at all, ranged from "never" to "just as soon as I could get the knife out of that cheating bastard's heart"...

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