26 August 2006

The first casualty of war...

Check out this in-depth refutation of one of the most egregiously misreported mainstream media events (along with the buffoon-like mishandling of the probably-hoaxed Q'ana 'incident') of the Israeli-Hezbollah war in Lebanon: the Red Cross Ambulance 'massacre' hoax.
You'll never see coverage like this on a major television network, or even in The New Yorker. Too bad, too, because if the situation were reversed and it was the Israelis scamming the media (or the US military in Iraq) you would get a Pulitzer for doing investigative work like this.

The MSM is 'smoking it's own dope', in the words of an Irish friend of mine...

(If you don't recognize the title of this post, see this for an extended explanation)

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