06 August 2006

Another fine mess you've gotten us into, Ollie

Okay, who the fuck allowed this to happen?
This, in case you missed it, was about two thousand Christians from South Korea descending on Afghanistan for a "peace festival and educational and entertainment programs".
Really? A peace festival? With Christians lying down with the Pathans? I don't think so.
Educational and entertainment programs? What, they were doing Korean folk dances for the Taliban? I don't think so.
According to the Washington Post, "Hundreds of Islamic clerics rallied in an ancient mosque in a northern city on Wednesday to demand the Koreans' expulsion after accusing them of trying to spread Christianity."
Why do I not, for once, doubt the Islamic view of things?
And just who was it that paid for a trip of this magnitude? The Washington Post used to employ people who understood the notion of 'follow the money', from which we got Watergate; why they are ignoring that adage this time?
But the real question is who the fuck in the American chain of command allowed these people entry? Some rabid "let's bring on Armageddon so I can do that Rapture thing" general?
And what was Karzai thinking? Or was he conveniently 'out of the loop'?
This could have started a major religious war in an already-unstable Afghanistan, or even a worldwide fundamentalist conflagration on the order of that mindless flapdoodle over those Danish cartoons.
How does this end up being a little AP squib with no follow up? Where's the blogosphere when you need them? Let the rant begin here...

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