01 April 2006

Virtually victorious, visually very vigorous

V for Vendetta is visually magnificent, and a great translation of the 'graphic novel' to the screen.
But its premise, that "governments should be afraid of their people", rings a trifle hollow in the English context. We forget, in this country, that the Dead White Men put the Second Amendment (which many at the time argued should be First) in the Constitution to provide The People not only with the right, but the ability, to overthrow their own government. (Remember the part of the Declaration of Independence about "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government"? Given our public schools, I thought not.)
But I predict a run on Guy Fawkes masks at Halloween, even though no one remembers the Fifth of November any more...

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