03 April 2006

Crocodile tears

I feel so bad for the Japanese (having been treated in an incredibly racist manner when I visited them), who are now having to deal with an invasion of illegal immigrants: Nigerians.
The classic comment was this one, from one of the offending illegals : "There's no reason why we shouldn't prey upon Japanese, who lack the slightest sense of caution."

Next thing you know, they'll be offering them ten million dollars stolen from an international aid project/the national treasury/vendor overpayments via the Internet...


  1. Anonymous4.4.06

    How interesting! Nigerians get Japanese women to marry them. When I lived in Japan in 1976 I knew that there were more women than men and once a woman reached the ripe old age of 25 she was pretty much over the hill if not already married. She was looking forward to a life as a mistress. Also, the stigma of marrying a foreigner back then caused many families to disown their daughters. (I guess the old ways die hard) Heaven forbid she should marry a "kokojin" foreigner.

  2. One of the strategies is to get a Japanese woman pregnant. Once they do that, they can stay and continue to do their scams and shady dealings to rob Japanese and foreigners of their money.

    There were many that pretended to be black American when that trend was big, and the girls that idolized the culture would fall for hip-hop style, and Nigerians role-play that. I heard this through one Japanese girl that was into that and she would complain about African impostors.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.