17 April 2006

A case of mistaken identity

Having seen the recent calls for "A Day Without Immigrants", scheduled to take place on May Day, I was heartened that things were in place to finally deal with the whole illegal immigration issue.

Of course, I got it backwards:
"Mexican unions, political and community groups, newspaper columnists, and even some Mexican government offices have joined the call for a parallel boycott of U.S. businesses in Mexico" at the same time that migrants already in the US are being urged to "skip work and avoid spending money".

“Nothing gringo" is the rallying cry, apparently.
Fine. But let's play fair.
"Nothing Mexican" on May 5th (or Cinco de Mayo, as they say south of the border).
No eating Mexican food. No drinking Mexican beer. No paying Mexicans (legal or otherwise) to do anything.
This may mean you don't eat at McDonald's, unfortunately, or get your grass mowed, or your car washed, or any number of other mundane tasks that we currently 'outsource' in this country, but sacrifices must be made.

Oh, and no one comes across the border that day.
Not by foot, car, truck, boat, or airplane. Not across the desert, the Rio Grande, or any legal border crossing.
No Western Union money orders sent south of Laredo, either, and all ATMs must disable their Spanish access capability, plus Telemundo can't broadcast any show not shot in the United States.

Let's see whose "importance to the economy" wins...

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