22 March 2006

Another candidate for Dhimmi-of-the-Year

According to an article by the Associated Press, an Italian clothing designer has come out with a line of Al Quds jeans, designed especially for Muslims.
"They're high around the waist, wide around the leg and have lots of pockets for holding watches, bracelets, glasses and other knickknacks," according to Luca Corradi, who designed Al Quds jeans. "The bagginess is to ensure the wearer avoids stiffness while bending down repeatedly during prayers. The pockets are for holding all the accessories Muslims have to take off while they worship. And the jeans have green seams - because green is the sacred color of Islam."

I can just see the Brooke Shields-lookalike spokesmodel now: "Nothing comes between me and my Al Quds but four kilos of Semtex..."

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