13 February 2006

Under what?

I heard a great suggestion for my problem with the Pledge of Allegiance.
My problem is that I was born before the Eisenhower administration forced the "under God" phrase into the otherwise perfectly good stanza about "one nation", throwing off the meter of the whole poem.
When I say the Pledge in mixed company, I never put that phrase in, which means I either am a second ahead of everyone else all the way through, or I have to hum quietly while everyone else dutifully says it.
The suggestion?
Merely say "under dog" instead.
You stay on the beat with the rest of the group (even though it still throws off the meter), and come out even.
Of course, curmudgeon that I am, I'll occasionally be forced to say "under dog" real loud just so everyone knows what an irreligious asshole I am, but that's okay...

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