02 February 2006

This is a system?

I've just returned from my roadtrip to try and sort out, yet again, what's happening with my checking account.
This new EFT thingie, where people get approval to draw money out of your account on a periodic basis, has gotten out of hand.
The latest defiler is, of course, my on-line health care insurance provider (Celtic, if you care). It's not that I pay a lot for pretty sketchy coverage (as a freelancer, and thus unable to pay for more, my current deductible for hospital care is ten grand), it's that they now have carte blanche to take out what they want, without so much as a by-your-leave to me. Thus what started as a almost reasonable policy, at $88 a month, has now grown into a gluttonous monster at (this month, anyway) $244 a month. Since the last time I asked them about their ridiculous rate increases, it'd gone up to $188, you can see I haven't been keeping track the way I should.
Now I'll have to tell them to fuck off and die and hope I don't...

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