06 February 2006

Qur'an as trade document

Amidst the street riots and building-burning in Muslim countries over the 'blasphemous' cartoons of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), there have been calls for bans (and already outright bans by Iran) on trade with Denmark. This will, in Iran alone, mean a loss of some $280 million in annual exports for Denmark. (That requires just 255,000 ham and cheese sandwiches a day to make up for their loss, or one for every thousand adults in the United States. We can do this; we have the technology.)

But I think we should meet the Islamo-fascists more than half way.

I think we should voluntarily cut off exports to all Islamic countries of any item, material, or technology that's not specifically mentioned in the Qur'an (the Koran, for you non-Arabic speakers out there). That means no cars, no telephones, no computers, no toilet paper, no modern drugs, no airplanes, no steel objects like guns or knives (and certainly no ammunition), no plastics, no solar panels, no water pumps, no... You get the idea.
All of a sudden, it's the 8th of June, 632 BCE (Year 10 in the Islamic calendar), and the Prophet (PBUH) has just died.
We'll see how much they like 'religious purity' when it's all just coffee and dates and goats and sand and camels again...

(Why PBUH? It's the respectful salutation, Peace Be Unto Him, used when referring to Muhammad, even by infidels. I'm respectful of everyone's delusional structure. I also reserve the right to smack the shit out of them for having one.)

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