11 February 2006

No harm, no foul?

from a blog about Iraq:
"A cohort of Muslim dignitaries and organizations are calling for the enactment of an international law banning the publication of any insults to religious symbols and values. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Arab League, the two main political bodies of the Muslim world, are seeking a UN resolution, backed by possible sanctions, to protect religions following the publication of provocative cartoons."

Seriously, cartoons? What's next? Words? Salman Rushdie got a fatwa (still not truly lifted) for writing "bad things" about Islam. Hell, there are enough anti-Islamic blogs out there right now to keep fatwa-writers (and UN bureaucrats) busy twentyfour/seven/threesixtyfive.
The Christofascists will also be ecstatic to see this law enacted, of course; imagine what they would have done to The Last Temptation of Christ.

But what are we 'protecting' religions from?
If your precious little religion can't take a cartoon or two across the bow without caving, how serious can it (and your faith) be?

But, as Lewis Black notes, we must respect the fervency of Islam, especially those willing to blow themselves (and those they despise) up; they anticipate receiving 72 virgins in Paradise for their acts, while on Earth he can't find one...

Since this blog will, from time to time, undoubtedly publish "insults to religious symbols and values" of every religion with enough followers to have their own zip code, I will just have to assume the fatwa is in the mail...

Warning: any sacriligious cartoons about the Church of Superior Firepower will be dealt with appropriately. (Remember our mantra: "Lock and load, hootchie coo!")

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