18 February 2006


EFT stands for Electronic Funds Transfer.
It could also stand for Eternal Fucking Trouble, or Easily Fooled Twice, or Endless Foolish Transactions...

It seems that, once you've enabled a company (like my health insurance thieves, ah, I mean provider) to debit your account, it is apparently very hard to pull the plug on their ability to hit you for whatever they want.
My bank was spectacularly unhelpful with my attempt to disable their monthly raids on my account.
But there is hope, now that I have an email (in spite of this pathetic caveat on their website: "We are in the process of reorganizing our Customer Service Department and are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please continue to try your call or email your questions to us. We apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing.") saying they will cease and desist...

(For those experiencing similar problems, check out this Federal site; it has some good details on what you can and can't do.)

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