23 January 2006

Ain't technology wonderful?

To save time, I can now print out my boarding pass from my home computer.
I can then proceed directly to the security gate, where I can wait for hours while everyone's person (and shoes and way too many carry-on bags and jackets and computers and whatnot) are checked by low-paid, bored government employees to see if "those people" (to reuse Robt. E. Lee's famous phrase) are trying to get on my plane with explosives or guns or knives. (That was last time, people; they'll do it differently next time.)
So much for time-saving technology.
But if another 73-year-old nun is pulled out of line for 'special treatment' (hey, it happened to a nun I know, and what do you mean you're surprised I know a nun?), I will be forced to scream (quietly, so they won't think I am a security risk)...

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